The application and cache on Android are not downloaded

The main reasons for difficulties with downloading the installation file or the application cache: poor Internet connection quality, lack of free memory. Let's focus on each situation in more detail.

1. Unstable internet connection

To solve the problem, you will need:

  1. View the signal quality, for example, by the Wi-Fi network scale located in the upper right corner of the phone screen. If the number of divisions is higher than 3, go to the section "2. Memory shortage". Otherwise, you should connect to another network.

Internet signal strength

  1. Deactivate the connection. To do this, lower the system curtain and click on the corresponding icon. For example, to disconnect from the Wi-Fi network.

Disconnecting from Wi-Fi

  1. Connect to another network by lowering the system curtain and clicking on the desired icon. For example, connect to a mobile network.

Mobile Internet connection

2. Memory shortage

You can check the amount of free disk space as follows:

  1. Go to the section "About the phone" from the "Settings" of the phone.

Log in to "Settings"

Login to "About Phone"

  1. In the "Storage" block, read the information provided about the state of memory.

How much free memory

If there is space, but the problem with downloading persists, go to the section "3. Report an error". Otherwise, use the instructions below to free up disk space.

2.1. Moving or deleting files

Photos, videos and music can be transferred to another storage device (cloud, computer, SD card) or deleted. To perform these actions, you will need a file manager. It can be an application built into the operating system "Explorer". If there is no program on the gadget, you should use a third-party file manager: Total Commander, File Transfer, ES File Explorer. The procedure for clearing the place will be considered using the example of Total Commander.

To transfer content:

  1. After starting the file manager, go to the files being moved and mark the ones you need.

Launching Total Commander

Selecting a file in Total Commander

  1. Wait for the pop-up menu to appear by holding your finger on the name of one of the selected items.

Opening the file menu

  1. Choose " from the suggested optionsCopy/Move/Send".

Clicking the "Copy" button/Move/Отправить"

  1. Click on the double arrow.

Transition to select a location перемещения

  1. Select a future file storage location and click "OK".

Choosing a place to move a file

  1. Click on the button "Move".

Pressing the button "Переместить"

To delete content:

  1. In the running file manager, select files.

Selecting a file in Total Commander

  1. Hold your finger on the name of one of the selected items for 2 seconds until a pop-up menu appears.

Opening the file menu

  1. Among the suggested options, select "Delete".

Selecting the "Delete" item

  1. In the window that appears, click "Yes".

Confirmation of deletion

2.2. Deleting applications

  1. Go to "Settings".

Log in to "Settings"

  1. From "Applications" go to "All applications".

Selecting an item "Приложения"

Selecting the "All" item приложения"

  1. Click on the section "Delete".

The "Delete" section in "Приложениях"

  1. Select a program from the list.

Choosing an application for удаления

  1. Click the "Delete" button.

Removal приложения

2.3. Clearing the application cache

Consider two options for deleting the cache: manual and batch. The first method is suitable for cases when you need to clean in 2-3 applications, the second – over 5.

2.3.1. Manual cleaning

To delete the cache:

  1. Go to "Applications" from "Settings".

Log in to "Settings"

Selecting an item "Приложения"

  1. Go to the section "All applications".

Selecting the "All" item приложения"

  1. Click on a program or game that is frequently used.

Choosing an application for удаления

  1. Click on the button "Clear" and select "Clear cache".

Pressing the "Clear" button

Selecting "Clear Cache"

  1. Click "OK" to confirm the action.

Confirmation of clearing the cache

2.3.2. Batch

To delete the cache of all programs and games of the phone, a third-party application is used, for example, CCleaner. Consider the procedure if the program is used for the first time:

  1. Install and open the app.

Launching CCleaner

  1. After clicking on "Start using" click on "Continue with the advertisement".

Start using CCleaner

Clicking the "Continue with рекламой"

  1. To start the scan, touch the "Start" button.

Start scanning the device

  1. Click on the arrow next to "Grant us access."

Calling the "Grant us access" menu

  1. Click "Allow".

Access permission приложению

  1. In the presented list, find and go to CCleaner.

CCleaner search in the "Access to data about использовании"

  1. Move the slider next to "Access to usage history".

Activating the "Access to History" parameter использования"

  1. Click on the square next to the line "I am aware of the possible risks...", and then on "OK".

Acceptance of the terms of use of the application

  1. To start working with the results of the analysis, click on the arrow next to the item "Scan for unnecessary files".

Go to "Scan for unnecessary файлов"

  1. Click "View the results".

Clicking the "View" button результаты"

  1. To delete the cache, leave one check mark – next to the "Visible cache" element, click "Finish cleaning".

Unchecking, except for "Visible Cache"

Clicking the "Finish" button чистку"

Try downloading the file again. If the difficulties remain, go to the next stage.

If with CCleaner has previously worked on the device, then the steps will be different:

  1. Press "Quick Clean".

Start quick cleaning

  1. Check the box next to the item "Visible cache", and remove the others.

Unchecking, except for "Visible Cache"

  1. Press "Finish cleaning".

Clicking the "Finish" button чистку"

Try downloading the file again. If the difficulties remain, go to the next stage.

4. Report a problem

If an error code appears or problems with downloading persist, you should inform the moderator of the site about it:

  1. On the application page, the installation file or cache of which cannot be downloaded to the device, go to the comments section.

Page приложения

Comment block on сайте

  1. Click on the "Comment" button.

Pressing the button "Комментировать"

  1. Fill in the name and describe the problem with the name and version of Android, browser, how much free disk space. Send a message by clicking "Add comment".

Addendum комментария

After receiving the question 1-2 days, the comment moderator will provide recommendations on how to fix the problem.